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Working Trials

History of the Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer 


Working Trials

Do you love getting lots of that fabulous fresh outdoor air, being out in all weathers with your dogs getting lots of exercise? Gundog Working Trials may be something that you might be interested in. We currently have two UK Slovakian Rough Haired Pointers who have gained titles in this discipline.


We asked Denise Curren, who owned Ansona Brigadier CD Ex, UD Ex aka Fuzy, who was the first SRHP to gain such Working Trial Awards and Anne Collen who owned Irish Sh Ch Achouffe Fantome Celtic Jnr Winner 10' CD Ex, UD Ex, WD Ex, Ire & UK aka Purdey about this activity.


Both of these experienced handlers agreed that’s it such a great way to build up a positive relationship with your dog as it requires such unique teamwork. 


The dogs have to use their natural abilities which is extremely rewarding for them and is right up a Slovaks street.

Denise explained that there are three main groups of exercises in all the stakes; rather like three-day eventing in horse trials. Anne says these are Control, Agility and Nosework; although keeping Purdey focused was one area which she found challenging at times.


As is the case in everything we attempt for the first time, the criteria for taking part and ultimate qualification for gaining these awards can seem somewhat daunting at first glance, but don’t be put off.  Remember your first set of car L plates? exactly!


We want you to enjoy as much of your time as possible with your Slovak, spending it together and helping you to find that special bond between you both. 


After all, as a breed, they’re certainly no pushover when it comes to taking part in most activities and can really excel in this particular one.


Want to learn more about Working Trials?:
See more at:

Read ’Getting into Trials’ explained by Denise Curren.

Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer Club UK

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