The Show Dog
In December 2008 the Kennel Club approved the Interim Breed Standard enabling the breed to enter Import Register classes at Kennel Club licenced shows. A real milestone occurred in 2013 when Import classes were offered at Crufts for the first time. Then in 2017 Best Import Breed Winners were allowed to compete in the Gundog Group instead of just parading the main ring with a lap of honour.
From January 2021 Import Breeds were allowed to compete in Any Variety and Stakes Classes at Kennel Club licenced shows shows. For definitions of the Imported Breed Register, AV classes and AVNSC classes check on the Kennel Club Website for up-to-date rules.
Slovak owners across the UK regularly show their dogs, from championship and open shows to local exemption and fun dog shows. In 2023 Lynda Adams with Swiss Ch Achouffe Philanderer ShCEx (Jakub) made breed history by gaining Best Import Register at Crufts 2023 and represented the breed in the Gundog Group. It is sad to say that, it may be some time before the SRHP comes off the import register gaining its own breed classification here in the UK due to the Stud Book still being open in their country of origin where the Breed Wardens are still crossing them. Until then our Slovaks remain restricted to the Any Variety Gundog Import classes.
However, not to be disheartened there are many owners who love the opportunity to show off their lovely breed and The Birmingham National Dog Show, allows clubs to run their own AV Import Inter Club Match between the gundog breeds on the import register at their Championship Show in May. The SRHP Club does hope that one day we can put on official breed shows for our lovely Slovaks and maybe a Limit Show is possible. The club are able to assist with this discipline by running dog show handling master classes, ring craft workshops, seminars and mock shows specifically designed for those aspiring to have a go.
For those who looking to judge the breed we hold Kennel Club Breed Appreciation Days as part of the Kennel Club's Judges' Education Programme and candidates can sit the multiple-choice breed standard examination (MCE) unfortunately at this time, without our own breed classes we cannot provide mentoring. Anyone interested in our next BAD and MCE get in touch with the BEC (Breed education co-ordinator) details on our committee contacts list.
Annual Top Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer Club Awards
Top SRHP / Top SRHP Puppy
Claims are accepted from any number of Kennel Club Open or Championship Shows where Import Register classes are on offer and eligible dogs can compete.
Points are calculated from the 1st January to 31st December each year.
All points must be submitted to the club show co-ordinator by the 31st January each year and overall winners will be declared by the 31st March annually.